Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8 Newsletter
November 5, 2010
Mr. Parker’s News and Notes
Thank you to everyone that attended conferences last week. If you couldn’t attend, please remember that you can call, email, or set up an appointment with any of the teachers to discuss your child and his/her progress at any time. We had an outstanding first quarter and I know that there were many parents happy with how their child had done grade-wise. I was also pleased with our student’s behavior and how they took care of business doing the right thing.
Mrs. Eckhoff and Mrs. Hagedorn led their students in an awesome concert on October 21. The junior high band and choir sounded outstanding. The Gladbrook campus Winter Concert is on December 6. The K-2 and 5th/6th Concert will begin at 6:30 pm with the 7th/8th Grade Concert to follow at 7:30.
We have been working this past week on doing the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. We have placed our focus on trying to do our best work and have reduced the test down to focus on the reading, math, and science components that are reported to the state and federal governments. We have seen the students working more carefully and trying to do the best they can. We hope that this will show in our scores when we get them returned.
The second quarter brings with it our winter sports of basketball and wrestling. Add in the concerts, holidays, and all the other family events that occur make second quarter one of the most difficult for students to stay on task. Please help us by helping your child find that necessary time to keep up with their schoolwork in November and December.
Reminder: it’s a great time to check the batteries on your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide testers. I heard that last part on the radio while driving to work.
Have a GReat month.
Mr. Kuehl’s News and Notes:
Hopefully everyone has been enjoying this fabulous fall weather. Personally, I’m hoping that it is a precursor to a mild winter, but time will tell.
Parent – teacher conferences went well this fall. Reinbeck Elementary enjoyed a 97% attendance rates. If you were unable to attend your child’s teacher should have contacted you via telephone or email. If you haven’t had a chance to visit with your child’s teacher, please contact them. We know that support for your child’s learning both at school and home is very beneficial to student learning. Thank you for all you do to ensure your child’s success.
The third and fourth graders completed the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills last week. We’ll be doing make-up tests for students that were absent last week and then submitting the tests for scoring. These are the tests used by the Iowa Department of Education and No Child Left Behind to determine how well our school is performing. We think that the students put forth a solid effort and are looking forward to getting the results.
The Winter Concert for Reinbeck Elementary students is on December 20th, at 7:00 p.m., in the High School. The students will be looking forward to the opportunity to perform for their family and friends.
Recently many of our classes have been utilizing on on-line math program, This program allows students to practice math skills at their individual level and gives out detailed reports on student progress. Since it is an on-line program, students can work on it at home. Currently teachers are using a trial membership/license for their students. So far, the program has been very well received by teachers and students. I anticipate purchasing licenses for the elementary classrooms and possibly the middle school in the very near future. I encourage you to visit with your child about this program, and have them demonstrate it for you if possible.
Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, or me, any time you have a question, or concern.
Go Rebels!
November / December 2010 Calendar
Nov 11 Veteran's Day
Nov 14-20 American Education Week
Nov 15 School Board Mtg. Reinbeck at 6:30pm
Nov 17 Education Support Professionals Day
Nov 18 National Parental Involvement Day
Nov 19 Substitute Educators Day
Nov 21-27 National Family Week
Nov 24 No School
Nov 25 No School - Thanksgiving
Nov 26 No School
Dec. 6 GB Campus Winter Concert
6:30 K-2 & 5th/6th
7:30 7th/8th Grades
Dec. 7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Dec. 8 12:35/12:45 Early Dismissal
Teacher In-service
Dec. 20 Reinbeck Elementary Concert 7:00 pm
Dec. 23 Winter Break Begins
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