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I will use this page to communicate all the things "happening" at G-R. It is truly an exciting time in education. By following this blog you can stay up to date with the G-R schools.

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

G-R Happenings, 10-1-12


Voted Physical Plant and Equipment Levy:
Thank you!  The vote on extending the $0.67/$1000 valuation passed with a 90% yes vote on September 11, 157 yes votes, to 16 no votes.  These funds will be accessible to the district beginning in fiscal year 2015 and be in effect for ten years.  They will help to ensure that our facilities are well maintained and that our students have quality resources available to them.

Possible Sharing of Soccer:
At the September 20 School Board meeting the possibility of sharing boys’ soccer was discussed.  It is anticipated that G-R will have 15 boys participating in soccer this spring.  Mr. Charley, activities director, and Mr. Dinsdale, boys’ soccer coach, spoke to the Board about the difficulties such low numbers create.  Practicing becomes difficult, scheduling has increased challenges, and injuries and ineligibility make not having enough players to compete a real concern. 

Discussion centered on the possibility of having Aplington-Parkersburg and Grundy Center students participate in the G-R Rebel boys’ soccer program.  Mr. Charley said that it’s anticipated A-P would send 7-9 players and Grundy Center 2-3 players.  That would give the program enough players to effectively practice and play a junior varsity schedule.

If approved, a sharing agreement is reassessed each year and can be dropped in the event that G-R soccer numbers increase.  If you have questions or concerns please contact Mr. Charley, or me.

The fiscal year 2012 books are closed.  The following figures are for the General Fund, which is what’s used to pay people, and the day-to-day operating expenses of the district.

FY 09
FY 10
FY 11
FY 12
FY 13 (Projected)
Unspent Balance

When projecting out into the future, using a 3% annual increase in expenditure, our Unspent Balance stabilizes at approximately $600,000.  This puts the district in a very solid financial situation.  We anticipate that our enrollment will be down 15-20 students when we record our Certified Enrollment in October.  However, we anticipate our enrollment staying relatively stable into the future. 

The district will need to continue to spend conservatively and keep a close eye on our Unspent Balance.  But, the Board has made decisions that have G-R in a strong financial position with a bright future.


Tim Kuehl, Superintendent.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

VPPEL Passes

On September 11, 2012 the constituents of the Gladbrook-Reinbeck CSD approved extending the VPPEL Levy through 2026, at a rate of $0.67/$1000 assessed valuation.  This is great news for the district.  These funds will help with building maintenance and improvements, as well as with technology purchases for students.  Please see previous posts for likely projects.

Thank you to all the voters who chose to take the time to cast their ballot.  The vote breakdown was:

Site                               Yes Votes                            No Votes
Gladbrook                      51                                       9
Reinbeck                        87                                       7
Lincoln                           17                                       0
Absentee                        2                                         0

TOTAL                          157                                      16

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Rick DuFour on the importance of Professional Learning Communities

The staff at G-R are working to implement the PLC process.  This video gives a brief description of what we're going for.

Cedar Valley West/Technology Presentation

Monday, August 6, 2012

G-R Happenings, 8-6-12


Happy August!

School resumes shortly for G-R students, on August 15th.  Please try to attend your student’s orientation and/or open house; 3rd grade orientation is on August 13.  Open House for the district, along with 5th and 9th grade orientations are on August 14th.  1:1 Computer Rollout for high school students will also be on August 14th.  A parent needs to be in attendance at the 1:1 Rollout to sign paperwork for their student.

If you haven’t completed registration for your student(s) please do so soon.  Needed forms are available on-line at www.g-r.k12.ia.us, or you can contact your student’s office.

I’m excited to get the year underway.  We’ve added several new staff members to the district.  Please take the time to welcome them to G-R as you have the opportunity.  As always, if you have any questions about your child’s education throughout the year please contact your child’s teacher first and the principal as needed.  We want the school year to be enjoyable and challenging for each of our students.

I can always be contacted via email at:  tim.kuehl@gr-rebels.net, or in the office at:  319-345-2712. 

Thank you in advance for the tremendous support that the G-R parents, students, and communities show our students and staff.

Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL):

September 11 and the vote to extend the $0.67 are fast approaching.  To date I have not fielded many questions or concerns regarding the upcoming vote.  If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the PPEL please contact me, or a Board Member and we’ll listen and answer questions to the best of our abilities.

A quick recap of the VPPEL:

PPEL funds can and will be used for facilities improvements and technology purchases.  These funds cannot be used to pay district personnel.

Likely projects include:
  • Middle School 1:1 Initiative
  • K-12 technology purchases
  • Fluorescent lights in Gladbrook lunchroom
  • Water softener systems
  • Replacing windows with high efficiency models
  • HVAC upgrades, primarily controls
  • Remodeling the old gym and locker rooms at the high school
  • Updating ceiling tiles in all buildings
  • Remodeling the soccer restrooms
  • Update restrooms in buildings
  • Repair and replacement of concrete in parking areas
  • Resurfacing playground areas
  • Roof maintenance
  • Bus Barn at the Gladbrook Campus
  • Asbestos abatement

As you can see, there is plenty to do with the approximately $130,000/year generated by the $0.67/1000 VPPEL. 

Approval of the VPPEL would maintain taxes for the school at their current level.  In FY 2013 that number is $11.13172/$1000.  The taxes in the G-R district are among the lower rates in the State. 

Tax Rates at G-R:
FY 09 - $11.63
FY 10 - $12.11
FY 11 - $13.59
FY 12 - $12.14
FY 13 - $11.13

With valuations on the rise and enrollment, hopefully, stabilizing, tax rates should be steady at the current rate, to slightly declining over the next several years. 

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the VPPEL vote on September 11, 2012, please contact me, tim.kuehl@gr-rebels, 319-345-2712 so that we can discuss your thoughts. 


Tim Kuehl, Superintendent.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

G-R Happenings 6-28-12


Physical Plant and Equipment Levy:

In my last article I reported that the G-R Board of Education had approved an election to extend our current $0.67 Voted Physical Plant and Equipment Levy, VPPEL.  The current VPPEL runs through FY 2014.  The vast majority of the revenue from the current VPPEL is used to pay off the note on the high school addition, that includes the high school commons area.

Plans for the VPPEL, if approved, include several projects geared toward improving efficiency and appearance of our facilities, as well as increasing the available technology to our students. 

Likely projects include:
  • Middle School 1:1 Initiative
  • K-12 technology purchases
  • Fluorescent lights in Gladbrook lunchroom
  • Water softener systems
  • Replacing windows with high efficiency models
  • HVAC upgrades, primarily controls
  • Remodeling the old gym and locker rooms at the high school
  • Updating ceiling tiles in all buildings
  • Remodeling the soccer restrooms
  • Update restrooms in buildings
  • Repair and replacement of concrete in parking areas
  • Resurfacing playground areas
  • Roof maintenance
  • Bus Barn at the Gladbrook Campus
  • Asbestos abatement

As you can see, there is plenty to do with the approximately $130,000/year generated by the $0.67/1000 VPPEL. 

What impact would approving the VPPEL have on property taxes?  Approval of the VPPEL would maintain taxes for the school at their current level.  In FY 2013 that number is $11.13172/$1000.  The taxes in the G-R district are among the lower rates in the State. 

Tax Rates at G-R:
FY 09 - $11.63
FY 10 - $12.11
FY 11 - $13.59
FY 12 - $12.14
FY 13 - $11.13

With valuations on the rise and enrollment, hopefully, stabilizing, tax rates should be steady at the current rate, to slightly declining over the next several years. 

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the VPPEL vote on September 11, 2012, please contact me, tim.kuehl@gr-rebels, 319-345-2712 so that we can discuss your thoughts. 

2012-2013 School Year Information:

With the summer break nearly half over it is time to start thinking about the 2012-2013 school year.  Registration packets will be mailed to families the week of July 16.  Forms and information will be available on the district website: http://www.g-r.k12.ia.us/, click under “Rebel News”.  PaySchools will be available for online payment the week of July 23rd.  The first day for students to start class will be on August 15.  Orientation for third grade will be on August 13th, with orientation for fifth and ninth grades on August 14th.  The 1:1 rollout for all high school students and parents will be on August 14th.  Open House for all parents, except third grade, will be on August 14th.

I hope you are having an enjoyable summer and are able to spend some fun time with your Rebels.


Tim Kuehl, Superintendent.

Monday, June 4, 2012

G-R Happenings, June 4, 2012

G-R Happenings

As you are likely aware the G-R Schools recently released for summer break.  I would like to thank the Board of Education, Parents, Students, Patrons, and Staff for a fantastic year in 11-12. 

Perhaps the most notable success was the implementation of 1:1 computing at the high school.  Our technology directors, Mr. Bixby and Mr. Lundgren, put in a lot of time last summer getting the computers and our network up to speed in order to have the system work this year.  Based on reports from students and teachers, their hard work paid off.  Mr. Leeman and the teachers did an excellent job of preparing the students for this change in their educational experience.  I’m excited as the possibilities having this technology afford us the ability to continually improve G-R students’ educational experiences.

There were many other highlights throughout the year at all levels of the G-R Schools.  Please take some time over the summer to visit with your students about their personal highlights of the school year.

G-R will enjoy adding several new faces to the staff in the 12-13 school year.  Mrs. Val Ehlers will be taking over the role of K-12 Library/Media Specialist.  Mr. Brady Swenson and Miss Sara Jansen will be teaching 7th and 8th graders.  And Mr. Brian Williams will be Gladbrook Campus Principal/District Curriculum Director.  I am excited by the skills and energy each of these people bring to G-R.   Please help us welcome them to G-R as you meet them throughout this next year. 

School finances are always a hot-topic at the State Legislature and this year was no different.  In the end the legislators decided to break Iowa law and not set an allowable growth amount for schools in fiscal year 2014.  This lack of action makes it more difficult for Iowa schools to plan into the future.  The good news is that G-R is sitting in a strong financial position and should be able to handle whatever the future holds.  The unspent balance is projected to hold relatively steady at the end of fiscal year 12, right about $1.3 million.  As we look at projected enrollment and anticipated allowable growth we anticipate that balance stabilizing at around $500,000+ over the next several years.  This level of financial stability helps us to focus on improving the educational opportunities for the students of G-R.

Gladbrook-Reinbeck Schools currently have a tax levy, known as the Voted Physical Plant and Equipment Levy.  This levy has been used to pay for the addition of the new commons area at the high school.  The current levy expires at the end of FY 14.  The Board is planning to ask for an extension to this levy, $.67/1000, through a vote in September 2012.  Approval of the levy will not increase taxes, but will maintain the district’s current level of funding.

An extension to the levy will ensure that the district has funds to continue making needed improvements to buildings, provide technology to our students, and maintain our facilities.  Proposed projects will focus on improved energy efficiency and improved aesthetics in our facilities, as well as technology for student use.  Plan to see more detailed articles in the future on this topic.

Again, thanks to all for making 2011-2012 school year a successful one for the students of G-R.  I wish all a fun and relaxing summer break and look forward to another great school year starting August 15.  If you have any questions or comments regarding the school please contact me at 319-345-2712, or tim.kuehl@gr-rebels.net.


Tim Kuehl

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Awesome article.

Post of the Day: Going From One-Size-Fits-All Education, To One-Size-Fits-One http://t.co/OqBaIGJo #edtech #edchat #iaedfuture -- Scott McLeod (@mcleod)

Competency Based Education-interesting prospect for the future.

RT @jillsiefken: Informative article/wiki on competency based learning http://t.co/2YNqYx1H #mnwcougars #IACompEd #IAEdFuture -- Scott McLeod (@mcleod)

How to approach transforming learning with technology.

New bookmark: Redefining Instruction With Technology: Five Essential Steps Here-- Scott McLeod (@mcleod)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March/April K-8 Newsletter


Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8 Newsletter
March/April 2012

Bill Parker: Gladbrook Campus

Last Thursday night I was outside about 10:30 shoveling the snow that had fallen over the evening hours.  It was warm outside and as I moved the snow off the sidewalks and drive I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful it was, so white and fluffy.  Isn’t it amazing how when you have seen so little of the snow all winter, a night like that can seem so nice!  It was really fun the next day at school to watch the elementary students playing and building walls of snow.

We are quickly approaching the end of the third quarter.  It’s that time for Parent-Teacher Conferences again.  We will have a one-hour early dismissal on both Tuesday, March 6, and Thursday, March 8.  Conferences will run from 4:00 – 8:00 pm both nights.  If you find that your time doesn’t work for you, please contact the office and we will help you find a time to visit with the class sponsor or whatever teacher you need to see.

The new Iowa Assessment scores are in and are the forms ever different!  We are still in the process of figuring out exactly what the testing information is telling us.  In the long run, the scores will allow everyone to determine individual student growth over a period of time which makes far more sense than comparing a fourth grade class against another fourth grade class.  The Iowa Assessment Parent Narratives will be sent home on Friday March 2.  Information about the new levels of proficiency can be found at: http://itp.education.uiowa.edu/ia/documents/Proficient.pdf

We are looking for the Class of 2026!  If you have a child that will be ready for Kindergarten next year, please contact the elementary offices in Gladbrook  (473-2875) and Reinbeck (345-2822) to get a Kindergarten Welcome packet sent to you.   The Kindergarten Parent Welcome meetings will be held on Monday, April 2 at both sites starting at 6:30 pm.  Kindergarten Welcome for the future kindergartners will be on Wednesday and Thursday, April 4 and 5 respectively.  In order to be Kindergarten eligible, your child must be five years old by September 15, 2012.  We look forward to meeting all the new students at this time.  Please help us out and if there are new families to the area, or people that don’t see our newsletter, please pass the word along.

Gladbrook – Reinbeck will be hosting a Strength, Conditioning, and Speed Training Clinic on Friday, March 2 at in the High School Gym and Weight Room from 4:00-7:00 pm.  The clinic is free for Boys and Girls in Grades 6-12.
Zach Mathers, a 1997 GR graduate, and current Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the University of Sioux Falls, South Dakota will be running and teaching the clinic with his athletic staff.  Zack was the National Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year and it is a great honor to have him help develop all of our athletic programs. 

March is a busy time for the Middle School Band students.  On Monday, March 5, is the Parade of Bands concert.  All of the bands from 5th Grade through High School will be playing at the High School gym with the music starting at 7:00 pm.  It is a great chance to see how band students progress from beginners to advanced musicians. 
Then on March 22, the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade band students will travel to South Tama for a Band Jamboree.  Each of the three grades will make up a band and perform in concert starting at 7:00 pm in the South Tama High School.  Other schools involved in the jamboree are North Tama, East Marshall, Belle Plaine, GMG, HLV, and the host South Tama.

Reminder for present Kindergarten Parents: This year’s Kindergarten students will not have school on April 4 and 5 while we have Kindergarten Welcome.

Mr. Kuehl-Reinbeck Elementary

We’ve got some exciting things coming up as we begin to anticipate spring.  Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held at Reinbeck Elementary on March 6th and 8th.  You should have received notice of your scheduled time.  If you have not received notice please email your child’s teacher, or call the office at 319-345-2822.  Conferences are a great time to check in with your student’s teacher as we begin the last few months of the school year. 

Students completed the Iowa Tests (ITBS) last November.  Our third and fourth graders participate in this assessment.  We received the results and your child’s teacher will be sharing those with you at P-T Conferences.  Please feel free to ask any questions about this portion of your child’s progress at that time.

It is time to begin preparing for the next school year as we work toward the end of this one.  Kindergarten Welcome will be the week of April 2nd.  The parent meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 2nd, with next fall’s kindergartners attending on April 4th and 5th.  If you know of any prospective kindergartners please pass this information along to them.  If they contact the office, 319-345-2822, we’ll get them the Welcome Packet and look forward to meeting them on April 2nd.

The excitement levels will begin to go up over the next couple of months as the temperatures begin to rise outside.  Please help your student to keep focused on their academic progress, in addition to enjoying the other activities nicer weather will allow.  Our students have done an excellent job so far this year and it’s always a pleasure to see their hard work and progress. 

I hope all the families will have a chance to relax and spend some enjoyable time together over the upcoming spring break.


Mr. Kuehl

Calendar for March and April 2012
Mar.   2            Free Strength and Conditioning Clinic for Grades 6-12 
4:00 – 7:00 pm at the High School gym and Weight room
Mar.   5            Parade of  Bands  @ RB HS  7:00 pm
Mar.   6            One-Hour Early Dismissal:
Parent – Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 8:00 pm
Mar.   8            One-Hour Early Dismissal:
Parent – Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 8:00 pm
Mar.   9            No School
Mar. 12-16            No School – Spring Break
Mar. 19            JH Track Practice Begins
                        Advisory Committee Mtg. @ GB  7:00 pm
Mar. 20            Elementary Battle of the Books
Mar. 21            Middle School Battle of the Books
Mar. 23            End of Third Quarter for Elementary and Middle School
Mar. 27-28            Site Visit by Department of Education
Mar. 29            7th / 8th Grade Vocal Concert @ GB  7:00 pm
Apr.   2            Kindergarten Welcome Parent Meetings @ 6:30
                        GB in Elem. Library; RB in Multipurpose room
Apr.   4-5            Kindergarten Welcome Student Days
                        No school for current Kindergartners
Apr.  6             No School
Apr.  9             No School
Apr. 11            Spring MAP Testing begins for 3rd – 8th
                        Gates-MacGinitie Testing for K-2
Apr. 27            Middle School 4th Quarter Midterm
Apr. 30            IMPACT/PTO Meeting in RB @ 7:00 p