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Friday, December 10, 2010

RB & GB 1st Grade Thanksgiving Plays 2010

We All Fit In- November Assembly

December K-8 Newsletter

Gladbrook – Reinbeck Community School District
K-8 Newsletter for December 2010 and January 2011

Mr. Parker’s News

What a fantastic Winter Concert we had on December 6.  The K-2 and 5th -8th Grade students in Band and Chorus put on a wonderful show.  As always, the little ones always seem to shine bright and with the enthusiasm they have for singing and dancing around.  The 5th – 8th grade singers did an excellent job with the multiple parts and voices.  The bands sounded great also.  We have some very talented musicians in the district!  Thank you to Mrs. Hagedorn and Mrs. Eckhoff for their hard work and dedication to the music department and students.

Thanks for making the Book Fair a huge success.  The libraries and classrooms will be getting over $500 worth of books.  There isn't a final count yet but we will let you know when everything is final.  The following kids won $10 worth of merchandise: Madison Knaack, Ashley Sieh, Audrey Leyen, Bryce Schick, Emily Else, Abby Smith, Brandon Drew, Trey Eggers, Destiny Frieling, and Gracey Nagle. The following middle schooler students have won posters and they may be picked up in the library as well:  Emily Moss, Caden Kickbush, Gage Murty, Max Schweppe, Walder Thede, Cael Wyatt, Mikayla Saak, Dan Robinett, Sydney Brown, Kendra Vavrock, Matt Roeding, & Brandy Yates. The following elementary kids won posters: Madisyn Eggers, Autumn Schlictmann, Kyla Moore, Ashlyn Moore, & Jaci Drew.  Kids at the Reinbeck Elementary that won posters are Chloe Butler, Paige Adair & Preston Goos.  $60 was collected for the Books for One Campaign.  Scholastic will give $60 worth of books to a deserving organization.

Along with the business of the holiday season, it is also a busy academic time at the middle school as we approach the end of the second quarter on January 7th.  Midterms went out last week and everyone is working hard to finish this first semester strong.  The K-2 elementary staff has been busy and is working some new things into their teaching as well.  They are using IXL, a math program that the students can also use online at home to strengthen math skills.  They have also been trying out some IPADS in the classroom during center time as we continue to try and integrate technology into our students’ learning opportunities.

Mr. Kuehl’s News

Nearly half way through the year!  With the winter season upon us I’d like to remind you that you can receive notification of weather related schedule changes by signing up for School Alerts.  There’s a link on the district website, or go to: https://schoolalerts.iowa.gov/ and sign up to receive the notifications.  This site will send you an email and/or text message as soon as the decision to start late, dismiss early, or cancel school is made.  We will also continue to report to local television and radio stations when schedules change due to the weather.

Staff and students have been working hard at Reinbeck Elementary.  Staff has begun experimenting with The Daily 5 and CAFÉ.  These programs manage instructional time and focus individual instruction, especially in the areas of reading and writing.  Teachers have been reading about it, visiting classrooms in other districts, and working together to continually improve the learning of our students.  We are also utilizing new ways to integrate technology into our classrooms.  IXL.com math is being used by all students, http://xtramath.org/ is another website that is great for students to practice their math skills.  Please make sure and check your teacher’s website/blog regularly to see what’s going on in your child’s class.  A video of our recent assembly is available on the G-R YouTube channel, link from district website, www.g-r.k12.ia.us, along with the first grade performances.

The Holiday Season is a fun and exciting one, especially for elementary students.  The elementary concert is Monday, December 20th, 7:00 p.m., in the high school gym.  We wish you and your family and safe and happy Holiday Season.  Our break begins on December 23rd, with students returning to class on January 3rd.

Upcoming Events for Rest of December and Early January 2011
Dec 09  JHWR @ SH/BCLUW (Eldora);
              JHBB: B @ E.Marshall (Gilman); G@GB
Dec 10  Human Right's Day
Dec 14  JHBB: G@BCLUW (Union): B@GB
Dec 15  Bill of Right's Day
Dec 16  Public Hearing in GB at 6:30pm (regular School Board meeting to follow)
               JHWR @ Wapsie Valley;
               JHBB: B@Grundy Ct.; G@GB

Dec 20  Reinbeck Elementary Concert at 7:00pm
              JHBB: B@GMG (GrMt); G@GB
Dec 23  No School
Dec 24  No School
Dec 27-31  No School
Jan 01  New Year's Day
            Emancipation Proclamation Anniversary
Jan 03  Classes Resume
            IMPACT/PTO Meeting in RB at 7:00pm

Monday, November 8, 2010

G-R 1:1?

Attached is a presentation shared with the Board at a work session earlier this year.  Please use the pause button if you need longer to view a slide.

November K-8 Newsletter

Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8 Newsletter
November 5, 2010

Mr. Parker’s News and Notes
Thank you to everyone that attended conferences last week.  If you couldn’t attend, please remember that you can call, email, or set up an appointment with any of the teachers to discuss your child and his/her progress at any time.  We had an outstanding first quarter and I know that there were many parents happy with how their child had done grade-wise.  I was also pleased with our student’s behavior and how they took care of business doing the right thing. 

Mrs. Eckhoff and Mrs. Hagedorn led their students in an awesome concert on October 21.  The junior high band and choir sounded outstanding.  The Gladbrook campus Winter Concert is on December 6.  The K-2 and 5th/6th Concert will begin at 6:30 pm with the 7th/8th Grade Concert to follow at 7:30.

We have been working this past week on doing the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.  We have placed our focus on trying to do our best work and have reduced the test down to focus on the reading, math, and science components that are reported to the state and federal governments.  We have seen the students working more carefully and trying to do the best they can.  We hope that this will show in our scores when we get them returned.

The second quarter brings with it our winter sports of basketball and wrestling.  Add in the concerts, holidays, and all the other family events that occur make second quarter one of the most difficult for students to stay on task.  Please help us by helping your child find that necessary time to keep up with their schoolwork in November and December.

Reminder: it’s a great time to check the batteries on your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide testers.  I heard that last part on the radio while driving to work. 

Have a GReat month.

Mr. Kuehl’s News and Notes:

Hopefully everyone has been enjoying this fabulous fall weather.  Personally, I’m hoping that it is a precursor to a mild winter, but time will tell. 

Parent – teacher conferences went well this fall.  Reinbeck Elementary enjoyed a 97% attendance rates.  If you were unable to attend your child’s teacher should have contacted you via telephone or email.  If you haven’t had a chance to visit with your child’s teacher, please contact them.  We know that support for your child’s learning both at school and home is very beneficial to student learning.  Thank you for all you do to ensure your child’s success.

The third and fourth graders completed the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills last week.  We’ll be doing make-up tests for students that were absent last week and then submitting the tests for scoring.  These are the tests used by the Iowa Department of Education and No Child Left Behind to determine how well our school is performing.  We think that the students put forth a solid effort and are looking forward to getting the results.

The Winter Concert for Reinbeck Elementary students is on December 20th, at 7:00 p.m., in the High School.  The students will be looking forward to the opportunity to perform for their family and friends.

Recently many of our classes have been utilizing on on-line math program, iXL.com.  This program allows students to practice math skills at their individual level and gives out detailed reports on student progress.  Since it is an on-line program, students can work on it at home.  Currently teachers are using a trial membership/license for their students.  So far, the program has been very well received by teachers and students. I anticipate purchasing licenses for the elementary classrooms and possibly the middle school in the very near future.  I encourage you to visit with your child about this program, and have them demonstrate it for you if possible.

Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, or me, any time you have a question, or concern.

Go Rebels!
November / December 2010 Calendar
Nov 11                    Veteran's Day
Nov 14-20                    American Education Week
Nov 15                    School Board Mtg.  Reinbeck at 6:30pm
Nov 17                    Education Support Professionals Day
Nov 18                    National Parental Involvement Day
Nov 19                    Substitute Educators Day
Nov 21-27                    National Family Week
Nov 24                    No School
Nov 25                    No School - Thanksgiving
Nov 26                    No School
Dec.  6                  GB Campus Winter Concert
                           6:30 K-2 & 5th/6th
                           7:30 7th/8th Grades
Dec.  7                    Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
Dec.  8                  12:35/12:45 Early Dismissal
                           Teacher In-service
Dec. 20                  Reinbeck Elementary Concert 7:00 pm
Dec. 23                  Winter Break Begins

G-R Happenings 11-8-10

G-R Happenings

In our current world technology seems to be revolutionizing nearly everything, from the ways we communicate (remember bag phones?), to industry, and education.  Currently the G-R Schools are exploring the possibility of implementing 1:1 computing at the high school in the fall of 2011.  1:1 computing involves each student having a laptop to use, as their own, during the school year.  As we continuously work to better prepare our students to be successful after their experience at G-R we realize that they do, and will, use technology in nearly every aspect of their lives.  We believe that 1:1 computing will help us to improve the educational experience of our students and better equip them for success throughout their lives. 

The G-R administrative team and technology directors have been exploring 1:1 computing for many months.  The Board of Education, along with administrators and technology directors, have visited schools currently utilizing 1:1 computing.  Schools visited include BCLUW, Newell-Fonda, and Van Meter.  These schools have all experienced success with their implementation.  A board member from Van Meter noted that their lease on the computers would expire in two years and he couldn’t imagine not having 1:1 anymore. 

The G-R Board of Education has discussed 1:1 at several regular meetings and work sessions.  Their will be further discussion at the November 15 regular Board Meeting, the December 1 Work Session, and the December 16 regular Board Meeting.  It is anticipated that a decision will be made at the December 16 meeting.  We encourage interested patrons to attend the meetings and/or visit with a Board Member, Mr. Kuehl, Mr. Teckenburg, Mrs. Luehring, or Mr. Bixby about any questions they might have.

Educationally yours,

Tim Kuehl, Superintendent

Monday, October 18, 2010

G-R Happenings, 10-18-10

G-R Happenings!

On Friday, October 15, G-R teachers, along with nearly 1,000 educators from around the North Iowa Cedar League, spent the day at UNI for professional development.  Dr. Scott McCleod was the keynote speaker.  You can see Dr. McCleod’s blog at this link: http://dangerouslyirrelevant.org/.  Dr. McCleod challenged educators to adapt and modify what we ask students to do at school in order to prepare them for the global society/economy in which we now live.  Utilizing technology to transform the school experience was a component of his presentation.  Primarily Dr. McCleod advocates a shift from asking kids to memorize and recite back basic information, to asking kids to really think about information and engage in meaningful tasks, sharing their thoughts publicly, interacting with others about material, generally working toward become deep, creative thinkers.  This changes the role of educators from putting forth facts and serving as the “keepers of knowledge”; to having teachers facilitate learning experiences for their students.  The classroom becomes a place where kids are thinking and actively working with content vs. receiving content.  This sort of transformation does not happen quickly, or easily, but it is something that the educators at G-R, and around Iowa and the Nation, are working toward.

During the past year our educators have participated in professional development that has shown them ways to integrate technology into their classrooms in ways that facilitate this shift to kids engaging in higher levels of thinking about content.  We are fortunate to have a strong teaching staff that is constantly working to improve their own craft for the betterment of students.  A financial challenge arises as teachers discover these tools and begin to utilize them, we need more technology; software, access to the internet, more machines, lcd projectors, etc. all become critical to moving forward.  Our district has taken some positive steps in this direction.  We have computer labs accessible in all our buildings, have purchased lcd projectors for many classrooms and have them available for use in classrooms, our high school and middle school have robust wireless connectivity, and have committed to professional development for staff.   All of these things help to move the education of our students forward.  We are no longer preparing most of our students to perform jobs that require repetitive physical or mental work.  Our students will need to be able to think creatively, problem solve, and adapt to a variety of requirements in their adult lives.

The administrative team and Board have been discussing the possibility of implementing a 1:1 laptop environment at the high school next fall in order to further this work.  Each student having access to a laptop computer at all times would provide a tremendous amount of flexibility in the educational environment.  Students would all have the same access to tools in order to create projects for school, communication between students and teachers would be even greater, and communication with other schools, industry, or experts around the world would be at everyone’s fingertips.  Utilizing on-line learning resources would be even more accessible for our students.  While the advantages of each student having their own laptop are considerable, the cost is a hurdle.  The Board and administrative team are currently working to determine if G-R can afford this step.  We anticipate utilizing the dollars from our Physical Plant and Equipment Levy, along with dollars generated by the State $.01 sales tax.  However, we need to make sure we still have flexibility in those funds for emergency repairs that arise, and to fund renovating heating systems in the buildings.

These are exciting and challenging times in education and the world in general.  The Board of Education and staff at the G-R schools are committed to providing an exemplary education for each of our students.

Go Rebels!
Tim Kuehl, Superintendent

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October Newsletter


Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8 Newsletter
October 2010

Mr. Parker’s News
On Friday, October 1st several football players and the G-R Cheerleaders led a pep rally for the K-2 and 5-8 students in the Gladbrook building for Homecoming.  The students were also driven into frenzy by the music of the junior high band led by Mrs. Hagedorn.  The picture above shows the K-2 students sharing a moment with the cheerleaders and players after he pep rally.

The Gladbrook Elementary and Middle School students have been hard at work this September on collecting Box Tops for Education.  In September we collected 1,901 box tops, more than the total collected for all of last year.  We are continuing to collect Box Tops so please keep you eyes out and continue sending them in to the school.  They can be found on many things that you already buy so please help us in this worthwhile endeavor.

The month of October has been chosen nationally as the month to recognize the many people other than teachers that play an important part in your child’s educational experience.  October 2 was National Custodian Day, October 11 is National School Lunch Week, and October 18 begins National School Bus Safety Week.  We could not do the things we do without the excellent work of our custodians, cooks, and bus drivers.  Please thank them for their hard work.  We will also be celebrating National Fire Safety Week and Red Ribbon Week this month.

The first quarter is rapidly approaching its end on October 20th.  Report cards will be given out at Parent – Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 25th and Thursday, October 28th.  Cards that have not been picked up at conferences will be mailed out on Monday, November 1st.   We had a very small list of students on the midterm report, which was outstanding.  Usually the first mid-quarter report is rather large with fifth graders receiving grades for the first time and seventh graders having to accommodate time for extra-curricular activities and studies.  Please remember you can monitor your child’s progress online with the JMC program and that anytime you have questions you can contact your child’s teacher through email or with a phone call.

On Monday October 18th, there is a joint IMPACT/PTO meeting in GB at 7:00 pm.  Remember, there is no membership fee and we welcome everyone to become a part of the parent groups that do so much for our students and staff. 

Junior High Football, Volleyball, and Cross-Country seasons are quickly coming to an end this month.  All of the teams have been very successful and have worked hard on learning the fundamentals and teamwork necessary for success in future years.  If you have a chance, please thank the coaches that have given their time to work with our athletes. 

We are finding that this fall has been very difficult for students with breathing issues such as asthma.  Hopefully as the frost comes in, some of the pollen and things in the air will disappear making it easier for them.  We have also seen several cases, or suspected cases, of strep throat already.  We did a great job last year of working together to keep the flu bug under control by keeping sick kids at home and not passing the germs along to others.  Please continue to follow the policies on fevers and such and if you have questions please call and talk to the school nurse when needed.

Mr. Kuehl’s News:
Homecoming was a great week at G-R.  The students and staff enjoyed showing their spirit via the dress-up days and Friday was awesome with all the Rebel Blue.

Report cards are going home on October 22, with conferences on the 25th and 28th.  If you aren’t sure of your conference time, please check with your child’s teacher.  Conferences are a valuable time to visit with your child’s teacher about their progress at school. 

A few reminders:
  • If you are eating lunch with your child, please bring correct change for the meal.  Adult price is $3.10.  It’s always good to see some parents in eating with their child, the kids LOVE it.
  • Payschools:  You can pay online to keep your lunch account current.  There is no charge for utilizing on-line payment.  Simply click the PaySchools link on the right side of the district website and it will take you through the process.     www.g-r.k12.ia.us
  • Parking lot procedures:
    • Please do not drive through the horseshoe area in front of the school.
    • Please do not pickup/drop off students in the actual parking lot area.  This practice creates a lot of congestion in an already congested area.
    • Please do drop your student(s) off on the west or east side of the horseshoe.  This allows the student to exit the vehicle directly to the sidewalk, eliminating the need for students to cross the street.

The year is off to a fantastic start.  The students enjoyed and learned from a presentation from the Reinbeck Fire Department on Thursday.  A special thank you to the fire fighters who were able to spend time working with our students that day. 

Any time you have questions or concerns, please contact your student’s teacher and/or me. 


Mr. Kuehl

Calendar of Events
Oct.  6             Early Dismissal @ 12:35 shuttle; 12:45 other students
                        Teacher In-service
Oct.  7             Fire Prevention Assembly at RB Elem.  9:00 am
Oct.  8             Fire Prevention Activities at GB Elem.
Oct. 15                        No School – Teacher In-service
Oct. 18                        IMPACT/PTO Meeting @ GB ICN room 7:00 pm
Oct. 21                        School Board Meeting @ GB ICN room 6:30 pm
                        7th/8th Grade Fall Music Concert at GB  7:00 pm
Oct. 25                        Early Dismissal 2:25/2:35 pm
                        Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Oct. 28                        Early Dismissal 2:25/2:35 pm
                        Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Oct. 29                        No School
Nov.  1            - 5       ITBS and ITED Testing (Grades 3-11)          

Friday, October 1, 2010


This week is homecoming week at G-R.  Thursday night was Homecoming Happenings, with the crowning of Tanner Hulst as Homecoming King and Sonia Beichley as Homecoming Queen for 2010.  Congratulations to all members of the Homecoming Court. 

On Friday we have pep rallies in Gladbrook and Reinbeck for the younger students.  Below is a picture from the Gladbrook Rally.  Check out all that Rebel Blue!

Homecoming is a great time for our students, past and present, to celebrate G-R and all the great experiences that happen within our schools.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Staff at G-R

Front Row:  Ashley Caslavka, special education, Reinbeck Elementary; Kyla Kiburis, EAGLE; Jen Feldpauch, Early Childhood Special Education, Reinbeck Elementary  Back Row:  Melissa Laughlin, High School Special Education Associate; Karen Eggers, Gladbrook Campus Cook; Brenda Snider, Early Childhood Special Education Associate; and Keith Reynolds, High School Instrumental Music

We are excited to have these new staff members at G-R.  They were welcomed by the Board of Education at the September meeting.  Please take the time to introduce yourself and welcome them to our school when you have the opportunity.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August K-8 Newsletter

Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8 Newsletter
August 26, 2010
Mr. Parker’s Message:

Wow!  Here we are already a week into the school year and things are going extremely well.  Sure we had a hot day, but in Iowa and our multi-level buildings that is to be expected.  Actually, one of the most difficult things is figuring out what to title my newsletter.  For now, I am going to just leave it as the K-8 newsletter.  Mr. Kuehl and I will both be contributing information into this one newsletter.

I would like to thank the Gladbrook Legion and Auxiliary for giving the Gladbrook campus flags to be raised to start the new school year.  This was the 69th year they have contributed to getting the school year off to a flying start.  I would also like to thank the many people that came to “Open House.”   I am sorry if I did not get a chance to greet everyone, but we had a great turnout and I know that the time spent with the fifth grade students appears well spent as they are moving through their new building and schedule very well.

There have been many changes as we begin this year.  Let me update you on everything going on.  First and foremost, we have added 10 minutes to the school day.  We have started five minutes earlier (8:30 instead of 8:35) and are staying five minutes later (3:35 instead of 3:30 – 3:25, as opposed to 3:20 for the shuttle bus.)  The shuttle buses also leave at 7:50 am in the morning, five minutes earlier than the 7:55 am they left last year.  This has been one of the few problems we have had to start, getting kids to the buses on time.  Good rule of thumb is if you are there a little early, like 7:45, you will never be late.

I am now in Gladbrook the whole time as both the building administrator and also teaching some classes.  Mr. Kuehl will be the site administrator in the Reinbeck Elementary building along with his position as Superintendent.  We will share some things as far as evaluations, special education meetings, and such.  Generally, if there is a question about what is going on in Gladbrook you would contact me, and daily operation questions about the Reinbeck Elementary building should be directed to Mr. Kuehl.   Of course, you can still call Candi and Carla and get the answer you need.

We live in an age of technology.  We started last year emailing the newsletter out to everyone we had an email address for to save paper costs.  We have put the elementary and middle school handbooks on the school website this year.  If you want a hard copy, let Carla or Candi know and we will send one home with your child.  Mr. Kuehl, Mr. Teckenburg, and myself also have blogs, but we will continue the newsletter as many people still look for that and it will continue to be posted on the website.

For fifth grade parents, your child will now begin with letter grades in their classes.  Through the use of JMC you can follow your child’s progress throughout the quarter.  The password and username for your child is the same as what you use to check your lunch accounts.  If you do not have a username and password contact the middle school and we will get you going.  All middle school teachers post their lesson plans on their Iowa Pages.  Go to the website and building, click on the teacher’s picture, and that will take you to their web page with the assignments on it.

The IMPACT and PTO met on Monday for the first of five meetings this year.  Both groups do excellent things for our students and staff.  They will be kicking off their joint fundraiser on September 10th.  The next meeting is October 18 in Gladbrook at 7:00 pm.  You can keep up with what’s happening by going to www.grptoimpact.blogspot.com.  Also please remember that both groups collect Box Tops for Education, Hy-Vee receipts, and Soup Labels to bring in extra resources without doing fundraising. 

Mr. Parker

Mr. Kuehl’s Message:

Each year I enjoy the excitement and anticipation of the beginning of the school year.  While a productive time around the office, it starts to get a little too quiet and routine after a number of weeks without students and staff in the buildings.  So, it was enjoyable when teachers all returned on the 16th and students on the 18th.

The first few days of school have gone well.  The custodians did a great job this summer in preparing the building for the start of the school year.  The teachers worked to plan and prepare for the beginning of the year, and then….in came the kids!  I guess it makes sense that kids are what really make me love my job as an educator.  The opportunity to work more closely with the students and teachers makes serving as the principal of Reinbeck Elementary appealing this fall.  It will be a challenge to balance the time demands of my superintendent role with those of the principalship, but I’m looking forward to the challenge.

It was great to see so many families at Open House on the 16th.  We know that parent involvement in their students’ education is critical to student success.  So, please don’t be a stranger to what is going on with your child in school.  We encourage you to visit with your child each evening about school, visit the school if/when possible, and contact myself and the teachers when you have questions about something at school.

You can reach me through the elementary office, or the district office, my email is: tkuehl@g-r.k12.ia.us.  You can find this newsletter, along with other communication from me on my blog, which is linked off the district website:  www.gladbrook-reinbeck.k12.ia.us.

I’m looking forward to a GReat school year.  Go REBELS!

Mr. Kuehl

Calendar of Events
Aug. 26            School Pictures
Aug, 31            JH Volleyball/Football Pictures @ 3:30 in GB
Sept.   1            JH/HS Cross Country Pictures @ 4:00 in RB
Sept.   6            Labor Day – No School
Sept.   7            School Picture Retake Day
                        First JH VB Game @ Home vs. East Marshall
Sept.   9            First JH FB Game @ Home vs. Grundy Center
Sept. 13            District Advisory Committee Mtg. in RB @ 7:00 pm
Sept. 15            MAP Testing starts grades 3-8
Sept. 16            School Board Mtg. @ RB at 6:30 pm
Sept. 30            Homecoming Happenings: 6:00 Powder Puff; 7:30 Coronation           
Oct.    1            Homecoming FB Game vs. BCLUW

Box Tops For Education
Welcome to the start of a new year.  PTO/IMPACT would like to take this time to remind you that we collect Box Tops.  Box tops can be found on hundreds of products that you probably already buy.  We would like to encourage you to clip them and send them to school with your child.  Each box top you clip is worth 10 cents for our school.  The money we raise through box top collections helps us to provide things for our teachers and students.  Throughout the year we will be having some friendly competitions between classes to help us collect box tops.  For more information on what products contain box tops and to register for a chance to win our schools additional box tops go to www.btfe.com

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of School!

Today was a GReat first day of school for the Rebels.  It was good to see lots of smiling faces in the morning and then again at 3:35 when the kids were heading home.  The following photos were taken at the flag raising ceremonies at Reinbeck Elementary and at the Gladbrook Campus.  A special thank you to the Auxiliary in Gladbrook for the new flag they provided.

 Students during the flag raising ceremony at Reinbeck Elementary.

Mr. Anderson raising the flag at Reinbeck Elementary.
Colorguard in Gladbrook

 Middle school students preparing the flags.

The Gladbrook Elementary Kindergarten Class
Ms. Wheeler signing the National Anthem, with Trudi at the podium.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 16 Inservice

Today staff are learning more about utilizing technology in the G-R classrooms.  K-8 staff met in Gladbrook and the 9-12 staff met in Reinbeck.  It's not about the technology, it's about  how kids  think and apply the content of our courses.  Technology can provide opportunities for students to research, collaborate, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize more frequently and effectively than ever before.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

July G-R Happenings

G-R Happenings

The 2010-2011 School year:

It’s hard to believe that the beginning of another school year is just around the corner. We are currently taking registration materials at the district office. Forms can be found on the district website, www.gladbrook-reinbeck.k12.ia.us, and fees can be paid on-line using PaySchools, for no additional fee. We hope this format will make registration as simple and convenient as possible for the families of G-R. On August 10th the offices will be open for walk-in registration from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., if that is the most convenient for some families. Families that receive assistance in the form of Free/Reduced lunches need to pay their fees in the office in order to receive the appropriate discount.

Registration is critical in our preparation for the upcoming school year. Please make sure that you have completed the process by August 10.

The schools will be hosting an open house on Monday, August 16th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Reinbeck Daycare Center will be open that evening to give tours and distribute enrollment information. Whether you are a parent or community member we encourage you to stop in to visit with our staff and view the facilities.

Summer Projects:

It has been another busy summer in our buildings and on our grounds preparing for the upcoming school year. Our custodial staff has done an excellent job of cleaning, painting, and generally having our buildings in tip-top shape for the return of students and staff.

Some of the projects that will be completed by the beginning of the school year include:

  • Renovation of middle school locker rooms, including painting, new plumbing fixtures, new lockers, and restroom partitions has been completed. It had been a long time since these facilities had received much attention and they look Great!
  • The middle school family and consumer science room, Home Ec. to many of us, was also renovated over the summer. Students will benefit from the addition of another kitchen in the room, as well as the new cupboards, appliances, and utensils.
  • There is concrete work at the Reinbeck Campus that will, hopefully, be completed by the beginning of the school year. It includes repair to the elementary parking lot, replacing crumbling curb at the elementary, and expanding the concrete portion of the parking area to the west of the high school. All the rain has not been very helpful in getting this work completed this summer.

High School Offerings:

This fall marks the beginning of our utilization of the Western Outreach Center. Our students have the opportunity to take courses in a number of areas that interest them, as well as gain college credits while earning high school credits. Courses offered for our students at the Western Outreach Center this year include: Introduction to Psychology, Math for the Liberal Arts, Composition I, Composition II, Introduction to Literature, Introduction to Statistics, Art Appreciation, and Project Lead the Way-Principals of Engineering. In addition to the Pre-Engineering courses of Project Lead the Way we anticipate courses in health care being offered in the future.

These courses offer a tremendous opportunity for our students to get upper level and technical courses that G-R would struggle to offer without collaborating with our neighbors. A side benefit to families is the chance to earn college credits at minimal cost to the student/family. The school is able to offer this opportunity by having local teachers teach the courses and receiving supplemental weighting dollars from the State. Essentially, the supplemental weighting off sets the cost to the district for the courses.


The high school and middle school campuses now have complete wireless internet coverage! The district is working to incorporate the use of technology more comprehensively into our instructional practices. Teachers have received and will continue to receive training on how Web 2.0 tools can improve instruction for our students. We are excited to continually explore and develop ways that technology can improve the learning of our students.

2010-2011 promises to be another GReat school year! I’m excited for the return of staff and students after a busy, but refreshing summer break. I look forward to seeing you at the Open House, as well as the many activities that will be beginning soon.

Go Rebels!

Tim Kuehl, Superintendent

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1:1 Computing

Here's some great information about 1:1 computing.

Iowa Core Curriculum-21st Century Learning

Today I'm at a training with Mrs. Luehring and Mr. Bixby. We are learning more about Web 2.0 tools and how they can help us better prepare students for life after school.