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I will use this page to communicate all the things "happening" at G-R. It is truly an exciting time in education. By following this blog you can stay up to date with the G-R schools.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

G-R Happenings, 11-21-11

G-R Happenings

G-R has made a commitment to equipping our staff and students with modern technology in order to improve instruction and prepare our students for success after their academic careers here.  Take some time and visit with your student about how they are utilizing technology in school.  Our students use a variety of technological resources, including desktop computers, laptop computers, iPads, and iPods.  I’m not going to attempt to list the software and websites that are utilized by our students, but that would be a good topic to visit with your student about. 

We are also working to utilize technology in communicating with parents, alumni, and patrons.  Hopefully you are aware of my blog, the link is at the bottom right of the G-R website.  Parents of middle and high school students have access to their students academic progress via JMC.  Some newer items on our website include a Twitter feed along the right hand side, and a G-R Facebook page.  The Facebook page is being maintained by the Student Technology Committee at the high school.  We’re hoping this will be an effective way parents, patrons, and alumni to stay in touch with G-R.  I invite you to check these items out at www.g-r.k12.ia.us.

Cedar Valley West:
Last spring a group of about 40 people, 10 each from Gladbrook-Reinbeck, Aplington-Parkersburg, Grundy Center, and Dike-New Hartford had their first meeting.  Two primary goal areas came forth from that meeting.  The first is to establish a productive school-to-work program for students of the districts.  The goal is to create the opportunity for seniors to explore careers by working with an area business.   The students will work for either a half, or whole day for up to 12 weeks.  This program is being piloted currently and a full-scale rollout is planned for the 12-13 school year. 

The second goal is to gain regional recognition for our area.  The Cedar Valley West, CVW, name came from this work.  A sub-committee is working on marketing our four districts and the communities that comprise them.  We believe we live in a fantastic area to work, live, and raise a family.  We will be working to make sure that people coming to the area hear about us too.

Unspent Balance:

The graph above shows the Unspent Balance history for G-R and the estimated unspent balance at the end of this year, FY 12.  As you can see the Board’s diligent work to keep expenses in line with revenues has paid off over the last few years.  But, we will need to remain fiscally conservative in order to maintain a reasonable unspent balance.  The district will continue to monitor class sizes K-8 and course enrollment 9-12 to ensure efficiency in staffing.  Maintaining an unspent balance of approximately $1 million leaves the district in a strong position in the event of another across the board cut from the State level, or in case of an emergency need within the district.


District revenues in Iowa are driven primarily by student population.  The above graph represents the enrollment history at G-R, down 228.4 students, on the certified enrollment, over that time period.  The loss of 19 students for the FY 13 budget represents a loss of approximately $114,000.  For this reason the district will need to continue to work to control expenditures.  I anticipate our enrollment stabilizing at about 580 students.  At the current level of funding, about $6,000/student, the drop of 48 students, 628 to 580, represents an additional $288,000 in lost revenues over the next two years.
So, how is G-R doing?  I can honestly say I’m more confident in the long-term future of G-R than I have ever been.  While we will need to continue to be frugal, we are in a stronger financial position than we have been in a number of years.  Our students are receiving a truly great education.  The G-R staff is committed to working with each child to achieve academic and personal success.  Our Board has shown a commitment to fiscal responsibility, and to offering our students the resources for an exemplary educational experience.  While these are challenging times in education and for G-R, they are truly exciting times!
Educationally yours,
Tim Kuehl, Superintendent

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Iowa Blue Print

The following response is from Dr. Trace Pickering.  While not my writing, it is very informed and thoughtful.  I hope it sparks some thought for you and would welcome your comments.  In the link click on "Response to Blueprint", it will open a pdf file.


Dr. Pickering's Response

November Newsletter

Gladbrook – Reinbeck Community Schools

K-8 Newsletter for November and December 2011

Gladbrook Campus News – Mr. Parker

We begin our newsletter this time with some sad news as we are saying good-bye to Carla Goettsch.  Mrs. Goettsch has been the secretary here in Gladbrook for over eleven years.  She is leaving us to take a job in the Marshalltown School District.  We would all like to wish Carla well in her new position and thank her for the many years of dedicated service to the GR School District.
In the same respect, we would like to welcome Brooke Mahr.  Mrs. Mahr will be joining the district as the secretary in the Gladbrook building replacing Mrs. Goettsch.  She has been in working this past week with Carla learning the various aspects of her new position.   Mrs. Mahr and her family live in Lincoln.  Pictured above, Mrs. Goettsch is helping Mrs. Mahr learn the system and how she has done things to keep things running smoothly.

The first quarter has come to an end and we would like to thank all the parents that came to Parent-Teacher Conferences, or are still meeting with teachers about their children because they could not get in during scheduled times.  It is through these face-to-face meetings that we can share with you what we see and maybe gain some insight into what really works with your child.  Grades are a piece of the puzzle, but there is so much more we need to know to be able to work successfully with the students.  Since I mentioned grades, we had 103 middle school students make the A or B Honor Roll this first quarter.  Great job students on your hard work!

Technology, Technology, Technology:  If you haven’t heard from your child, or seen for yourself, we are very actively involved in the use of technology in our teaching, both at the elementary and middle school levels.  In the elementary level, students use computers and IPADS for both reading and math.  In the middle school, we have students using presentation software, making pod casts, submitting schoolwork and journaling through their district emails.  We are also using the computer labs and laptop labs for working on our math skills and researching materials for projects in class.  We are trying to move from so much paper and pens work to be more productive and less repetitive.  The best part is going from the teachers using technology to teach, to having the students using the technology to learn. 

We just finished MAP testing and right around the corner we are staring the Iowa Assessments, formerly known as the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.  The kids worked really hard during MAP testing I really just us an honest effort.  We have been working to improve student skills in the areas of reading and math during homeroom time and hope that what we have done will show when we take the Iowa Assessments in early November.

Last year we challenged the students to do their very best on the ITBS and they really responded.  It takes two years of improvement to get off the school in Need of Assistance List and we accomplished meeting the goal last year in reading, our first area of concern.  With the target for improvement rising each year, this was an amazing accomplishment.  If we can meet the goal again this year, we can accomplish something very few schools have done – reverse the trend and be removed from the SINA list in reading.  If we do it, it will be cause for a celebration!
We found out this year that one of our subgroups in math is now listed on SINA, so we will have to also raise the flag and move to improve that area also.  It can be done and we have the kids that can do it and aren’t afraid of the challenge.  Right now all we can do is continue to ask our students to give us their best and let the scores reflect our progress. 

The K-2 students went up to Reinbeck and heard renowned author “Buck Wilder.”  Buck kept the students enthralled with the stories he wrote and told about nature.  Several of the students took the opportunity they had to purchase his books and are preparing to read them now.  It was an awesome presentation and we would like to thank the Hardy Reading Council, IMPACT, and the PTO for giving our students the chance to hear him speak.

While throwing out Thank Yous, we would like to thank the many members of the Lincoln and Gladbrook Fire Departments that came to the Gladbrook building during Fire Safety Week and worked with the students.  Our volunteer fire departments are very dedicated and give a lot to our communities, so please thank them for sharing their time with your child/children.

Reinbeck Elementary News:  Mr. Kuehl

I would also like to thank the Reinbeck Fire Department for coming and presenting to our students during fire safety week.  Along with the presentation to all K-4 students, the fire truck ride for the kindergarteners is a big hit each year.  The service of our fire fighters throughout the district is much appreciated and the presentation to our students is much appreciated.

Buck Wilder’s presentation to the kids was entertaining and informative.  The students had the opportunity to purchase books and have Buck sign them.  It was an exciting time.  I encourage parents to take some time to read a book or two with their children.  The Buck Wilder series is available in the school library for check out by all students.

I would like to thank the family of Julie Knaack for the generous donation they are making to the G-R music department.  The money will be used to purchase instruments for the elementary music students use in music class. 

Our students and staff continue to work and have fun learning each day.  The classes are utilizing technology in the rooms in more and more ways.  Students are using iPads, iPods, laptop computers, as well as the computer lab to help with their learning.  Please take some time to visit with your child about how they are using technology in their learning.  We have some really exciting things going on in our classrooms!

The Reinbeck Elementary music program will be held on December 12, in the high school gymnasium.  The concerts are a great time for our kids to showcase their talents and hard work.  The large crowd that comes for these events is much appreciated and a great show of support for our students.

Parent-Teacher Conferences wrap up on October 27.  If you were unable to attend, your child’s teacher will be contacting you to reschedule, or conference over the phone if another time can’t be established.

Students recently completed the MAP testing and will have the Iowa Assessments coming up the week of November 7.  While these tests are a snap-shot of our students’ performance, they are a critical component of how our school is judged by the State.  We will be working to ensure that the tests give the most accurate picture of our students’ achievement.  Your support and encouragement of your students is appreciated, as always.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education/school experience, please contact your child’s teacher, or me.  By working together we can ensure a positive experience and success for each of our students.


Mr. Kuehl

Events for November and December 2011

Nov.  7             ITBS testing begins
                        Advisory Committee Meeting  @ GB  7:00 pm
Nov. 14           JH Wrestling and Basketball practice begins
                        School Board Meeting @ RB  6:30 pm
Nov. 23           NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 28           Middle School 2nd qtr. Midterm
                        JHWR @ Hudson
Dec.   1            JHBB: Boys @ S. Hardin (Hubbard); Girls @ GB
Dec.   2            JHWR @ N. Tama (Traer)
Dec.   5            Gladbrook Campus Winter Concert
                        K-2 & 5-6 @ 6:30: JH @ 7:30 pm
Dec.   7            12:35/12:45 Early Dismissal; for Teacher In-service
Dec.   8            JHBB: Girls @ East Marshall (Gilman); Boys @ GB
Dec.   9            JHWR @DNH (New Hartford)
Dec. 12            RB Elementary Winter Concert 7:00 pm
Dec. 13            JHBB: Boys @ BCLUW (Union); Girls @ GB
Dec. 15            JHWR @ SH/BCLUW (Eldora)
                        JHBB: Girls @ Grundy Center; Boys @ GB
                        School Board Meeting @ GB
Dec. 19            JHBB: Girls @ GMG (Garwin); Boys @ GB
Dec. 20            High School Winter Concert 7:30 pm
Dec. 22            12:35/12:45 Early Dismissal; for Teacher In-service
                        Students begin Christmas Vacation
Jan.   3             Classes Resume – Welcome back and Happy New Year!