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Friday, April 29, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Final 10-11 K-8 Newsletter
Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8 Newsletter
Remainder of the School Year - Late April through May 2011
Gladbrook Campus News – Mr. Parker
Well, the robins that came back have now had their tail feathers dusted
with snow three times which is supposed to signal the arrival of spring. Tulips
and daffodils are up and open so hopefully the arrival of some nice weather
should be at hand.
A Very Important Announcement: Next Tues., April 26 from approximately
12:15 until the end of the school day, the Gladbrook campus will be without any
network services due to maintenance work that needs to be done in the building.
This means that we will have no Internet and email services for the afternoon.
We will have to rely on the old standard, the telephone, if you have messages for
your child. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Thank you to everyone that attended Parent-Teacher Conferences. As
usual the elementary grades had outstanding attendance (100%) while at the
middle school about 72% of the parents came. I know that with JMC it is easy to
keep up with your child’s grades, but there is still that information gained when
parents and teachers talk that we really miss when people don’t come in to
conferences. WE appreciate the effort of all the parents that came or contacted
Kindergarten Welcome was held early in April as we prepare for next year.
We had 16 students attend Welcome this spring in Gladbrook. On May 11, we
will be aging all the grades K-7 and running them through what we expect next
year to look like. Informational notes with more details on the day will be
coming home with the students as we get closer to May 11.
Mrs. Weber has been working with the 8th grade students on their four–
year plans laying out an idea of their journey through high school. Mr.
Teckenberg and Mr. Reisner will come to the Gladbrook building on May 6 to
visit with the 8th graders about what they can look forward to next year and the
options that they will have for classes in high school. Mrs. Weber will be sending
home information with the 8th grade about I Have A Plan Iowa. The parents of
8th grade students will be invited to create an account in I Have A Plan Iowa.
I Have A Plan Iowa is the web portal used by the 8th grade students in Careers
class. By creating an account in I Have A Plan Iowa parents will be able to
view and approve their child's 4-Year Plan for coursework in high school.
The month of May will be a very busy month. Please look at the calendar
of events for concert dates, track meets, field day, awards programs, and believe
it or not, the last day of school. It seems like it has been a long time since we
actually got out on the originally scheduled day.
Reinbeck Elementary News – Mr. Kuehl
Parent-teacher conferences and Kindergarten Welcome were both recent
successes. As Mr. Parker said above, thank you for attending. The importance of
school and home working collaboratively on our students’ development cannot
be overstated.
Several fun, learning activities are scheduled during these last few weeks of
school. On May 11 students will spend the morning in their grade for next
year. This opportunity helps students to feel familiar with the teachers and
activities for next year. It’s especially helpful for third and fifth graders as they
transition between buildings. On a related note, we’re planning a parent
orientation night for third grade parents next fall on August 15. This
evening is intended to ensure that parents understand how third grade looks with
all the students at one site, allow parents the opportunity to meet one another,
and answer any questions parents might have.
On May 19 and 20 our fourth grade students will be attending 4th Grade
Camp. This is a much anticipated, overnight trip. A parent meeting was held
recently, but Miss Erickson can answer any questions you might still have. This
trip should be a highlight of the year for our fourth graders.
On May 26 the students will be participating in the Track and Field day at
Reinbeck Elementary. This is a great time for kids to socialize, exercise, and have
a great experience.
The Reinbeck Elementary staff is also planning an awards ceremony and
talent show, with the date to be determined. Check the classroom newsletters for
the date in the near future.
It’s been a fantastic year at Reinbeck Elementary and the G-R Schools in
general. I’d like to express my thanks to parents, students, and staff for the work
and positive attitude they put into our children’s educational experience.
Upcoming Events:
Apr 21 4th Quarter Midterm: Grades due April 26
Apr 22 No School – Good Friday
Apr 25 School in Session – Snow Make Up Day
Apr 26 JHTTR - G-R Relays (H) @ Conrad 4:15 pm
Apr 27 Spring Map Testing Ends
May 02 IMPACT/PTO Meeting in RB at 7:00
May 03 National Teacher Day
3rd Grade to Farm Safety Day in Grundy Center
1st Grade to Grime’s Farm
JH Girls Track @ BCLUW Relays
May 04 Early Dismissal 12:25/12:35pm: Teacher In-service
Board Meeting/Work session at 6:30
May 06 JH Boys Track @ BCLUW Relays
May 09 JH Track – GR Relays @ Conrad 4:15 pm
May 10 Reinbeck Elementary Concert @ 7:00pm
May 11 National School Nurse Day
Run-thru for next year at Elementary and Middle School (am)
May 13 JH Track – Conference Meet @ S. Hardin (Eldora)
May 16 End-of-Year DIBELS Testing K-2
May 19 4th Grade Camp
School Board Meeting in RB
May 20 4th Grade Camp
May 23 Gladbrook Campus Music Concert
K-2 & 5th/6th @ 6:30 pm: 7 th/8 th @ 7:30 pm
May 26 Elementary Track and Field Day @ Reinbeck
K-2 in am; 3rd-4th in pm
May 27 Last Day of School for 2010-2011
Gladbrook Campus Awards Day – TBD
Gladbrook campus administrator Bill Parker is shown receiving a check from the
Monsanto Fund for $2500.00 from Jason Paper, Kevin Ficus, and local farmer
Trent Wentzien. Mr. Wentzien was the Tama County winner of the Monsanto
America's Farmers Grow Communities Program. The program recognizes
the vital role that America's farmers play in caring for the land, growing our
economy, as well as helping to grow their local communities. Mr. Wentzien
donated his winning to the Gladbrook building. The check will be used to
purchase some more IPADs and other things to be used in the building.
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