Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8
School Newsletter for February and March 2011
Mr. Parker’s Newsletter
Well, we avoided much of the really bad weather for a long time. Compared to the East Coast this year and other parts of Iowa, we have still been very fortunate. It is February already though and Phil, the groundhog, has told us spring is on its way early this year! The beautiful day we had this past Saturday shows we can lose the white cover as quickly as it came. This recent storm does mean that we will be having school now on February 21 and April 25.
With the huge piles of snow we have right now, I thought it would be a great time to remind people to be especially carefully while out driving the streets. Children having fun sliding down the hills and playing on the huge piles are not always watching out for traffic. With this being our first real winter storm this year, we need to be mindful of driving and keep our eyes open for dangerous situations.
On Friday, February 11, we will be halfway through the third quarter of the school year. It also means that the annual basketball game between the faculty and the Middle School PE Tournament Champions is at hand. It will be played on February 11 at 2:00 in the MS gym. Either the staff is getting a little older or the kids are getting much better, but the past couple of years the outcome has been in doubt right down to the wire. Come join us Friday afternoon and see if this is the year the inevitable happens!
Speaking of sports, the Middle School basketball and wrestling programs have completed a very successful year. Coaches Keller and Mohlis (Girls BB), Luethje and Buskohl (Boys BB), and Rickert (Wrestling) have done a wonderful job in helping our student – athletes learn proper fundamentals, team play, and skills that will help them develop further as players. Please be sure to let them know how much you appreciate their effort with the middle school students.
As hard as it is to believe, it is time to start thinking of next year already. Kindergarten Welcome will be held the first full week of April. The Parent Meeting will be held in each building on April 4 at 6:30 pm. The future Kindergartners will come on Thursday, April 7, and Friday, April 8. We will be looking to send out Kindergarten Information packets later this month. If your Kindergarten age student is in pre-school in the district, we probably have them on the mailing list already. If you are new to the district, or did not send your child to pre-school here, please contact Carla (641-473-2875) or Candi (319-345-2822) at the elementary office. Remember, to be eligible for Kindergarten next school year your child must be five years old by September 15, 2011.
I am working on an article about the technology being used by the students in the classroom at the Gladbrook campus. The term technology has so much more meaning than just the using of a computer in today’s education. Watch for this article on the district website and area newspapers! I think you will be amazed at what our students are doing!
Important Announcement for this summer’s Driver’s Education Students
Eighth Grade students planning to take Drivers Education class this summer need to sign up in the MS office by March 10. There is a mandatory meeting that night from 7:00-9:00 pm with the summer Driver’s Education teachers that evening. Reinbeck students will meet in the High School auditorium with Mrs. Doughan, and Gladbrook students will meet with Mr. Youell in the Middle School gym. You must be 14 by June 1, and have your Learner’s Permit before classes start. The cost is $275.00 and is payable prior to the start of class.
From Mr. Kuehl
Mr. Parker has covered a lot of the important information. The third and fourth graders will be attending the basketball game in Gladbrook on Friday, but the K-2 have elected to stay in Reinbeck for the day.
Plans are being made for Fourth Grade Camp. We are planning for the students to go to camp in Boone on May 19 and 20. This is an exciting and educational trip for our students each year. Information will be coming home about the trip in the next month or so.
Traffic in the parking lot seems to have been better of late. Thank you for your consideration for the safety of our students and demonstrating courtesy to others using the parking area.
Our staff and students have been doing an excellent job. Many classrooms have implemented the Daily 5 and are seeing some real benefits to this structure for literacy learning. Technology usage has also increased with students using programs/websites for math, spelling, etc. As we work our way through February and March we appreciate your continue support of your child’s education.
Calendar for February, March, and early April 2011
Feb. 8 K-2 to Gallagher –Bluedorn
Feb. 9 Elementary “Be Fit” Assembly @ RB Elementary 9:00 – 10:00 am
Feb. 11 3rd Quarter Midterm
Faculty versus Middle School Basketball Tournament Champions 2:00 pm
Feb. 17 3rd Grade to Gallagher – Bluedorn @ 10:00 am
School Board Meeting @ GB 6:30 pm
Feb. 21 Yes, we do have school today!
Mar. 7 PTO/IMPACT Meeting @ GB 7:00 pm
Mar. 8 Parade of Bands @ Reinbeck High School 7:00 pm
Mar. 10 Required Summer Driver Education Meetings
RB students in RB Auditorium 7:00-9:00 pm
GB students in MS gym 7:00-9:00 pm
Mar. 11 End of 3rd Quarter
Mar. 14-18 Spring Break
Mar. 21 Start of 4th Quarter
Advisory Committee Meeting in GB 7:00 pm
Mar. 24 &th & 8th Grade Vocal Spring Concert
Mar. 29 One Hour Early Dismissal (2:25 & 2:35)
Parent – Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 8:00 pm
Mar. 31 One Hour Early Dismissal (2:25 & 2:35)
Parent – Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 8:00 pm
Apr. 1 No School – P/T Conf. Comp. Day
Apr. 4 Kindergarten Welcome Parent Meetings @ 6:30 pm
Reinbeck parents in RB Elem MPR; Gladbrook Parents in GB Elem Library
Apr. 7-8 Kindergarten Welcome for future Kindergartners
No School for this year’s Kindergartners