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Monday, January 31, 2011

G-R Happenings, 1-31-11 (updated)

The numbers in the chart are different than the article in the paper.  As I looked at final numbers on Unspent Balance from the Iowa Department of Management, I discovered that our unspent balance ended higher than anticipated, due to increased miscellaneous income.  I apologize for not having the final numbers in the original article.  In this case the change is a pleasant one.

G-R Happenings

Legislation impacting the funding of K-12 education and education in general has been a hot topic in the news lately.  I would like to take this opportunity to speak specifically to the impact of 0% allowable growth for FYs 12 and 13 on the G-R district.  The information I’ll be presenting deals with Spending Authority, which impacts only the General Fund, as opposed to PPEL and State Penny Sales Tax funds, which can be used exclusively for infrastructure type expenditures.  As I’ve mentioned in the past, you can think of this as a credit card limit.  It sets the maximum amount that a district can spend and is primarily driven by allowable growth, which is established by the legislature, and student enrollment.

The primary figure that I’m going to reference is “New Money”.  This is the dollar amount assigned to the change in Spending Authority from one year to the next.  In FY 11 G-R’s New Money was -$68,953.  Due to the budget guarantee and the addition “student” generated via supplementary weighting, from our increased utilization of dual enrollment courses at the high school, we will have a small amount of New Money in FY 12, regardless of Allowable Growth.  FY 12 New Money = $41,201.  Where we’ll see the impact of the low allowable growth is in future years.  The charts below will compare our projected allowable growth based on enrollment predictions and various Allowable Growth rates.

Unspent Balance is the carryover, or extra allowable growth the district has at its disposal.  This numbers are also based on a 3% increase in expenditures annually.

Impact of 0% Allowable Growth
Fiscal Year
Allowable Growth Rate
New Money
Unspent Balance (Projected)
FY 11
FY 12
FY 13
FY 14
FY 15
FY 16
FY 17

Maintaining 2% Allowable Growth
Fiscal Year
Allowable Growth Rate
New Money
Unspent Balance (Projected)
FY 11
FY 12
FY 13
FY 14
FY 15
FY 16
FY 17

The prediction of 2% allowable growth is a conservative one.  Education organizations, Iowa Association of School Boards, and School Administrators of Iowa, advocate for a 6% Allowable Growth rate in order to maintain Iowa schools.  If the economy gets on stronger footing and we would get 4% Allowable Growth in FYs 15, 16, and 17 G-R would maintain an Unspent Balance of $160,537, never going into the negative.

So, what do we do?  School Boards and administrators around Iowa will be advocating for a positive Allowable Growth Rate.  As you might predict we are often seen as self-serving in this endeavor.  Any support that our constituents can provide is much appreciated and well received by our legislators.  Locally, the G-R administrative team and Board will continue to seek out opportunities to increase our Spending Authority and also limit expenditures.  From a staffing standpoint the district is at a point where nearly any reductions mean a loss in programming for our students.  We will continue to reduce sections at the elementary level as class sizes dictate and utilize early retirement incentives when prudent. 

I can report that through careful management of resources and by generating increased supplementary weighting through increasing dual enrollment courses and sharing a transportation director, the district has increased its Unspent Balance the last few years, from $429,745 in FY 09 to the anticipated $985,217 in FY 11.  We will almost certainly need to tap into these reserves over the next few years.  But, it is critical that we maintain a positive unspent balance.

If you have questions about the G-R general fund, how Allowable Growth impacts our budget, or would like contact information for our local legislators, please contact me.  Office phone:  319-345-2712, email: tkuehl@g-r.k12.ia.us

Educationally yours,

Tim Kuehl, Superintendent

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Reinbeck Elementary Podcast of Announcements

Miss Erickson is working with fourth grade students to create a podcast of the announcements each week.  You can listen to the podcast here.  Or you can access the podcasts from the district website at:  www.g-r.k12.ia.us, the link is along the left hand side of the page.  This is another example of how our students are utilizing technology.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January K-8 Newsletter

Gladbrook – Reinbeck K-8 Newsletter
January 2011

Gladbrook Campus News – Mr. Parker

It seems like I just finally got used to writing the year as 2010 and here we are now at 2011.  Where did this year go?  I remember we had a seemingly short summer as winter never let go and school continued into mid-June.  This fall has gone very quickly with the football and volleyball teams doing very well and the effort the students and staff has put in on improving test scores.  It is true I guess, time flies when you’re having fun.

After being identified on the School In Need of Assistance list in Reading, we spent a great deal of extra time during homeroom working on building reading comprehension skills.    The time spent on finding main ideas, suffixes, root words, prefixes, topic and supporting sentences, and other fundamental skills appear to have paid off as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills scores in reading came back showing great improvement from last year.

Just like in athletics, you can do all the coaching you want, but in reality it comes down to the performance of the athletes during the game that makes the difference.  The same is true of the high-stakes testing.  We did better because our students gave their best effort when we took the ITBS.  Our students deserve all the credit for the improved scores, so be sure to let them know what a great job they did this year.    The end of the semester for the middle school is Friday, January 7.  Report cards and ITBS results will be sent home the following Friday. 

Reinbeck Campus News – Mr. Kuehl

Report Cards and ITBS Scores:  Your student(s) will be bring report cards and ITBS Scores home with them on January 14th.  The second quarter ends on January 7th.  Half way through the year!  Not sure how that can be.  Our students and staff have learned a lot and worked hard, pushing through January, February, and March always seems a challenging time.  Your continued encouragement of students and teachers is much appreciated. 

Our 5th – 8th graders made great improvement, as relayed by Mr. Parker above, on their ITBS scores, especially in the area of reading comprehension.  I’d like to thank the students, parents, and teachers for the work they put in to helping these student achievement scores improve.  It’s truly a team effort and you were quite successful.  Now the challenge is to keep those scores going up!

Winter Weather:  Please make sure that your students are dressed appropriately for the winter weather.  We’ve been very fortunate in regards to weather related delays and cancellations to this point.  I encourage you to sign up with School Alerts, https://schoolalerts.iowa.gov/, this site will be the first one I make announcements on and is very quick at sending out text and email notifications.

Read, Read, And Read:  Reading is probably the all around best activity for your child to encourage overall success and academic achievement.  People who read tend to be good thinkers, have a broad knowledge base and have a very deep knowledge base in areas of interest.  Keep you students reading, it’s one of those things that can actually be fun AND good for you.

After School Pick-up
Congestion in the parking lot is becoming quite an issue again.  Please use the following procedures to ensure things go as smoothly as possible.

Parking lot procedures:
  • Please do not drive through the horseshoe area in front of the school.
  • Please do not pickup/drop off students in the actual parking lot area.  This practice creates a lot of congestion in an already congested area.  If you must go in to pick your child up after school, please park legally.  Several people have started leaving their vehicle unattended in the center of the parking lot.  This practice is inconsiderate and unsafe. 
  • Please do drop your student(s) off on the west or east side of the horseshoe.  This allows the student to exit the vehicle directly to the sidewalk, eliminating the need for students to cross the street.

Thank you for all the support you provide to your children in their development.  We are fortunate to work with such a great group of kids.

Educationally yours,
Tim Kuehl

Calendar for January 2011
Jan  3            Classes Resume
            IMPACT/PTO meeting @ RB Elem.  7:00 pm
Jan  6            JHWR @ Jesup
Jan  7            JHBB vs DNH: B@NH; G @ GB
Jan 10            Advisory Committee Meeting @ RB 7:00 pm
Jan 11            JHBB vs West Marshall: G @ State Center; B @ GB
Jan 13            JHBB vs AGWSR: G @ Wellsburg; B @ GB
            JHWR @ Union (Dysart)
Jan 17            No School (1st Snow Make-up Day)
Jan 18            JHBB vs BCLUW: B @ Union; G @ GB
Jan 20            JHBB vs S. Hardin: B @ Hubbard; G @ GB
            School Board Meeting @ RB  7:00 pm
Jan 21            JHWR @ Dike-NH
Jan 25            JHBB vs East Marshall: G @ Gilman; B @ GB
Jan 27            JHWR @ RB 4:15
Jan 31            JHBB vs A-P: G @ Aplington; B @ GB